Ping For Your Blog - Foreign Language Or Marketing Tool? Make It Happen!

When experts start talking about ping for your blog, there are two things that usually happen. First, if you are unfamiliar with the term, you likely tune out right away. If you don't tune out then you probably know all about ping for your blog and understand it is a smart way to market your blog. Ping for your blog is indeed a great way to market without really having to do a whole lot. What could be better than sitting around letting a program do your marketing for you?

To understand the concept of ping for your blog, you need to know what the term "ping" means. By definition, ping is a computer network tool that is typically used on TCP/IP networks. The Internet is a TCP/IP network, so ping is used on it frequently. Ping works by testing whether a host is operating correctly. It sees if the host can be found on the network of the host that is doing the test. For example, one host will test to see if another host can be found on their network and if the host is working properly. To be more technical, it sends ICMP packets to the host and "listens" for replies.

While the whole concept of "ping" can be quite confusing to someone who knows little about networking, you should know how it can affect your blog. Many types of blogging software are automatically set up to ping one or more servers at a time. This typically happens when you create a new posting or when you simply update your blog. Even if you update more than once a day, each time you do, the system will likely ping a few servers. This really means that when you update or post, a signal is sent to a server which then creates a list of the newly updated blogs and you will be included in that signal.

The thing to know when you are a blogger is that when you allow your blog to be a part of this process, you will be getting your blog to a larger audience. What happens is that when your blog is added to that list of newly updated blogs, people will be able to access it more frequently. When someone visits their recently pings page, your site will likely show up with a link to it as well. When there is an index of pinged data, you will likely get even more traffic than normal. In layman's terms, this means that without any effort on your part, you are gaining more recognition

When your blogging software does not have the capabilities to ping, you may think that you cannot capitalize on this process. In truth, you can still gain all of the advantages even when your software does not ping. To do this, you will need to visit a site with a pinging service such as Ping-o-matic. It can be used to ping the most popular services available, allowing you the same advantage as every other blogger. The process for using these services is very easy. All you need to do is tell them your blog name and its URL address. It really is that simple. Usually you will provide no other information. You won't have to supply your name, address, or any other personal information.

Now that you know what ping means and how it affects your blog, you should agree that it is certainly not a bad thing. It can really help your blog get the most exposure out there. The great thing is that you can have all of these advantages without even doing any work. See if your blogging software offers this type of service. If it doesn't, try visiting a site such as Ping-o-matic to get the most from the ping. Most of the services are free. You might want to be wary of those that charge a fee and are not popular choices. Ignoring this easy marketing tool is a grave mistake. Although you may not personally see a large leap in traffic, it can certainly work for great blogs that have a substantial amount of quality content. Try it for yours to see what it can do for you.

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