Arti Nama Domain (Domain Name) Adalah

Nama domain ( Domain Name ) adalah sebuah nama unik yang diberikan untuk mengidentifikasi nama sebuah server komputer seperti web server atau email server pada jaringan komputer atau internet. Wikipedia.
Domain Name (
Nama domain memiliki fungsi untuk mempermudah atau mengingat pengguna sebuah jaringan seperti internet untuk dapat mengakses sebuah server. Dengan adanya sebuah domain name ini seseorang akan dengan mudah melakukan akses ke server tanpa harus mengingat angka-angka yang juga sering disebut alamat IP. 

Sebagai contoh seperti ini, merupakan sebuah nama domain, sebenarnya dibalik nama domain itu sesungguhnya meru[pakan deretan dari beberapa angka, cuma saja untuk mempermudah maka dikenal dengan nama domain, itu sendiri memiliki Alamat IP adalah, silahkan ketikkan angka tersebut pada browser sobat, maka akan tanpail google.

Alamat IP pada setiap domain pada umumnya berbeda-beda, misalnya; alamat IP nya  alamat IP nya

Anda dapat dengan mudah mengetahui alamat IP sebuah nama domain menggunakan Commant Prompt pada laptop sobat,,,
Finding E-zine Publishers

Finding E-zine Publishers

Networking with e-zine publishers in your field is a good business strategy. These publishers are one of the most important parts of your marketing and it is suggested you start building a list of appropriate e-zines now.

There are ezine directories that can direct you to appropriate places. Vist them and subscribe to several e-zines in your chosen area. Don't try submitting articles until you get a feel for the e-zine by reading a couple of issues. The Directory of Ezines at , along with several others, even tell you information if article submissions are accepted, where to send them, and what rules tofollow. This information is priceless.

Contact the ezine publisher directly if you decide to submit an article. Most e-zine owners like to know the person who is sending them an article for publication. Not contacting the publisher first does not create a good raport.

Send a personal note telling the publisher how much you like their publication. List something specific you especially like about the ezine. Next, tell the publisher you believe readers would like your articles and ask if you might submit one or more. Finding one specialized point within the general interest area will increase your chances of being positively received.

Don't send tons of articles all at once and overload the publisher's already full mailbox. Limit yourself to sending only one article weekly, and sometimes even one a month. Make the e-zine publisher feel important by providing short articles once a week that you wrote just for that e-zine. E-zine publishers like knowing they are the only place a person can find a particular article.
The History Of Midi Electronic Home Studio Recording

The History Of Midi Electronic Home Studio Recording

For electronic musicians, 1982 was the Year Zero – that was the year that MIDI first came on the market. It was designed as freeware – it was not patented, and was intended as a universal standard usable by any brand, so that MIDI could be used in a studio incorporating components or devices from many different manufacturers. The first of these was called MIDI 1.0, of course. Soon after that, musical instruments with MIDI jacks started appearing.

One of the early problems was that the MIDI messages that instructed the different instruments which sounds to play identified these sounds only by number ("play patch #16"), and "patch #16" might refer to different sounds on instruments made by different manufacturers. Since a MIDI studio is composed of different electronic instruments strung together in a line over cables, if the instruments and devices were made by different manufacturers, a musician might have gotten a drum sound when he intended a flute sound. What the electro-universe needed was a "patch-mapping" standard – a standardized correlation between patch numbers and the sounds that these numbers represented.

Keep in mind also the problem that the musician would have when recording a song. Unlike WAVE files, a MIDI file does not record the actual music itself – it records only the electronic MIDI commands that are delivered to each instrument, like "Play Parch #16, "Adjust Volume to [X] Level", and so on.. So even if he used all of the same brand equipment to produce his masterpiece, if he tried to play it back on another brand of equipment the sound would be different, because the command "play patch #17" would play a different sound on one brand of equipment than another. So if he took his composition and played it on somebody else's MIDI sound module, his beautiful piano solo might become a harpsichord solo. Bummer, dude. In order to correct the problem he would have to go back into his recorded MIDI file and change the commands to harmonize them with the other sound module's "patch mapping" (unless he miraculously discovered that the harpsichord solo sounded better anyway!).

In response to this problem, the General MIDI (GM) patch bank was created, standardizing the correlation between Program Change numbers and sounds for 128 MIDI patches (instruments). Because of this, there are only minor variations in the sounds created on different sound banks for these 128 patches.
Acoustic Guitar Lessons

Acoustic Guitar Lessons

These mini guitar lessons have been put together for the beginner acoustic guitar student who feels a need to play music but is a bit short on direction.

Lesson One - What kind of guitar are you going to buy?
If you have a rough idea of what kind of music you want to play, the next step is to find yourself a guitar.  Let's start with the basics - nylon string or steel string. A nylon string guitar was made to play classical and folk music. Acoustic guitars make their music by sending the vibration of the strings to the soundboard. The vibrations are then amplified in the body of the guitar. Nylon string guitars make a mellow tone; steel string guitars make a brighter, more metallic sound. One of the main things that will influence you in deciding what kind of sound you want is the guitar your favorite performer plays.

If you are just starting out you will not need a top of the range guitar but it is best to get the nicest one in your price range. A cheap, poorly made guitar will be an uphill battle to play. A good instrument will make your practice sessions something to look forward to.

Try different guitars. See how the neck feels. Check out if one neck feels more comfortable to play than others. Another consideration is the distance of the strings from the fret board which is called the "action". Low action is easier to play but if you are planning on strumming enthusiastically or picking loudly the guitar may have a tendency to buzz.

Lesson Two - Go ahead and learn.
The very first step toward learning to play acoustic guitar is to develop confidence and to overcome your natural reluctance to try new things. Lack of money, lack of time, or lack of a good teacher are three big obstacles to your guitar learning progress. The other three big obstacles are all you. You may be your own worst enemy. How do you react to a challenge? Challenges are your friends. If you find yourself getting frustrated, and not wanting to continue your practice, it might be time to downsize your goal, at least for a while. If you have two chords that you have trouble with, work on the first one alone for a while. Once you have improved a little, go to the next one.

Lesson Three - Daily Practice
As far as your daily practice goes look at starting with half an hour a day. If you can do more, great, you'll become a guitarist faster. The way you carry out your practice is crucial. Putting in the time isn't the only requirement. If you rush or try to fit too much in, then you're working against yourself. Err on the side of too little material at first. If you really are accomplishing what you set out to do in less than thirty minutes, then add a little more.

Lesson Four - Tuning Your Guitar
You can find online guitar tuners to help you get your acoustic guitar in tune. Take a day or two of your practice time to get the knack of tuning. When you start to develop an ear for tuning, try tuning the guitar without the tuner.

Lesson Five - Holding Your Acoustic Guitar
Long hours of practice can take their toll. Learning how to sit and play your acoustic guitar is an art in itself. There are places on the internet that have illustrations showing you how to sit when you're playing, but it would be good to find somebody with a little experience to show you. But don't just go with the way one person plays. If he's self-taught, then you don't want to pick up his bad habits!
The DNS Server Encountered An Invalid Domain Name - What To Do About It?

The DNS Server Encountered An Invalid Domain Name - What To Do About It?

Among the many troubles that surface under the field of domain name, one of the biggest problem shows the complaint that the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name. Probably, in your search for domain names on the web, you have encountered certain complaints that the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name, for the reason that this problem seems like a common one, that most of the troubles about domain names often contain such complaint. As such, "the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name" statement is then a somewhat mainstream reaction in the world of domain names.

Well, for that matter, it is just then a nice move to present some facts and samples that show the complaint that the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name. In terms of the facts about "the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name" statement, it is considered by some experts that if the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name, you will eventually receive a note from the host indicating the errors. These error messages then play a vital role in identifying if the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name.

In terms of the causes for the statement that the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name, it is common reason that such domain name problem happened because the Domain Name Service or the DNS host name or the DNS domain name which is specified in the Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol properties contains invalid characters.

In relation to such major domain name problem, there is certain domain name error numbered 1541 which states that when the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name such as "%1" in zone file %2 at line %3, it is very important to note that even though the DNS server sustains its loading, the act of ignoring this name will further lead to a much bigger trouble. So when the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name due to such characters, it is then necessary to either correct the name or remove the resource record from the zone file, which is said to be located at %SystemRoot%/System32/Dns folder.

The problem which states that the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name also surface when a domain name that is exceeding the maximum length of characters is ignored. So when the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name with this cause, it is interesting to know that the same application mentioned above is the solution to this problem.

Lastly, some of the domain name experts recommended some ways to further eliminate the problem regarding the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name. One of those solutions recommended if the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name is to better examine that the DNS host name and the DNS domain name only contains only valid characters. As such, it is then necessary to be aware that the valid characters for the DNS host name and the DNS domain name are letters A-Z, numerals 0-9, and the hyphen. But there are also some points in which the period contributes a part for avoiding "the DNS server encountered an invalid domain name" statement, for the reason that the period is also used as a separator.
Cara Tampilkan 100 Pencarian Google Otomatis

Cara Tampilkan 100 Pencarian Google Otomatis

Google memang rajanya Search Engine, serta banyak memberikan fitur-fitur yang sangat bermanfaat buat penggunanaya, nah kali ini saya akan memberikan tutorial tentang Trik Cara Tampilkan 100 Pencarian Google Otomatis. Sebagaimana kita  ketahui seringnya penggunaan google untuk mesin pencari dan kita perlu menghemat waktu kita dalam pencarian tersebut.

Secara default hasil pencarian google hanya ditampilkan 10 hasil pencarian, tentu akan menghabiskan waktu kita jika yang kita cari terlalu sulit, maka tentu kita akan klik "Next" atau "Selanjutnya" sampai kita bisa menemukan hasil pencarian yang tepat.

Nah, kali ini saya akan memberikan panduan agar pencarian di google bisa menmpilkan sampai 100 hasil pencarian. Berikut caranya :

1. Klik Link berikut ini :
2. Lalu perhatikan bagian "Google Instant predictions" pilih "Never Show Instat Result"
3. Lalu pada bagian "Results per page" silahkan pilih jumlah hasil pencarian yang ditampilkan pada pencarian google.Maksimal 100 hasil yang akan ditampilkan, contohnya seperi gambar di bawah ini :

4. Lalu jangan lupa "Save".

Nah, sekarang sobat coba ketikkan pencarian di google, apa sudah berhasil... Sekian cuy.

Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 12

Wallpapers ini saya dapat dari berbagai sumber, jadi saya minta maaf tidak bisa menyebutkan satu-persatu. Silahkan didownload dan Jangan lupa Klik Gambarnya untuk download cuy,,, :)

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download

Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 11

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru
Silahkan Download Kumpulan Wallpapers koleksi saya ini cuy. Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 11. Wallpapers ini saya dapat dari berbagai sumber, jadi saya minta maaf tidak bisa menyebutkan satu-persatu. Silahkan didownload dan Jangan lupa Klik Gambarnya untuk download cuy,,, :)

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru

Dapatkan Beasiswa Penelitian Internet Rp. 68 Juta Dari Google

Google yang telah resmi mendirikan kantornya di Indonesia memberikan kesempatan untuk mendapatkan Beasiswa Penelitian yang berhubungan dengan internet. Google yang bekerja sama dengan ICT Watch telah menyiapkan uang sebesar USD 7.500 atau sekitar Rp. 68 Juta.

Ditambah lagi dengan diberi kesempatan untuk melakukan kegiatan sebagai relawan ICT Watch selama 10 minggu.Asiik kan sob? :)

Ada beberapa kriteria yang harus dipenuhi untuk bisa dapat kesempatan beasisawa Penelitian dari google ini, diantaranya :

  • Kesempatan untuk lulusan S1, S2, dan S3
  • Memiliki ketertarikan terhadap internet dan perkembangannya di Indonesia
  • Ada 6 topik yang dipilih yaitu Freedom of Expression, Human Rights, Internet Safety, Open Government dan ICT for Women & SME.
  • Akan diberikan uang saku senilai Rp. 68 Juta

Bagi yang berminat bisa mengirim proposal ke Indonesian Google Policy Fellowship sebelum 15 Mei 2012. Selengkapnya dapat dilihat di :

Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 10

Wallpapers Windows 8 Download Baru [HD] Part 15

Silahkan kawan Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 10 ini, sebelumnya saya juga sudah upload yang Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 10. Wallpapers didapat dari berbagai sumber, jadi saya minta maaf tidak bisa menyebutkan satu-persatu. Silahkan download cuy. Jangan lupa Klik Gambarnya untuk download cuy,,, Agar gambarnya tampil maksimal. :)

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru
Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 9

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru
Wallpapers kali ini yaitu Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 9, sebelumnya saya juga sudah upload yang Download Wallpapers Windows 8 Part 8. Wallpapers ini saya dapat dari berbagai sumber, jadi saya minta maaf tidak bisa menyebutkan satu-persatu. Silahkan didownload dan Jangan lupa Klik Gambarnya untuk download cuy,,, :)

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Wallpapers, Windows, 8, Download, Baru

Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu

Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu
Blog kamu penuh dengan widget, bagaimana mengaturnya agar terlihat rapi? Ini salah satu jawabannya, Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu. Kita bisa memilih menampilkan pada halaman awal (homepage) saja atau menampilkan widget pada halaman posting saja.


Cara Menampilkan Widget Pada Halaman Tertentu
1. Login ke Blogger.
2. Di halaman Dasbor, kita pilih Rancangan.
3. Kemudian pilih Edit HTML
4. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget.

Cara menampilkan widget pada halaman awal (homepage) saja.

Sisipkan kode <b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'> di bawah kode <b:includable id='main'>
Dan kode penutup </b:if> di bawah kode <b:include name='quickedit'/>

<b:widget id='HTML4' locked='false' title='TULISAN TERPOPULER' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>

<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Widget yang berupa HTML dengan id HTML4 yang judulnya TULISAN TERPOPULER akan hanya tampil di halaman awal (homepage) dan tidak tampil di halaman postingan.

Cara menampilkan widget pada halaman postingan saja

Sisipkan kode <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'> di bawah kode <b:includable id='main'>
Dan kode penutup </b:if> di bawah kode <b:include name='quickedit'/>

<b:widget id='HTML7' locked='false' title='TULISAN TERBARU' type='HTML'>
<b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<!-- only display title if it's non-empty -->
<b:if cond='data:title != &quot;&quot;'>
<h2 class='title'><data:title/></h2>
<div class='widget-content'>

<b:include name='quickedit'/>

Widget yang berupa HTML dengan id HTML7 yang judulnya TULISAN TERBARU akan hanya tampil di halaman postingan saja dan tidak tampil di halaman awal.

Tips Aman Dan Mudah Mengedit Template

Suatu saat kita pasti akan mengedit template kita, karena berbagai alasan. Kita akan mencari alasan-alasan kita mengedit template kita, karena memang template kita dari blogger yang klasik memang perlu banyak perubahan.

Alasan-alasan mengedit template antara lain:
1. Mempercantik atau memperindah blog
2. Mengoptimalkan blog ( seo )
3. Mempercanggih blog

Untuk membuat kita merasa aman dan mudah, berikut ini tips-tips yang perlu kita perhatikan dalam mengedit template.
1. Download template lengkap template kita, untuk jaga-jaga atau back up, jika terjadi yang tidak kita inginkan saat mengedit, kita dapat mengup loadnya kembali jika kita inginkan.

2. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget

3. Saat kita mempraktekan salah stu tutorial blog, yang mengharuskan kita mengedit template, misal untuk membuat ARTIKEL TERKAIT kita disuruh mencari kode HTML (misal: <data:post.body/>) Cara mudah menemukan kode tersebut adalah seperi ini
Untuk memudahkan mencari kode yang di inginkan dalam menu file - pilih Find in This Page

Setelah itu masukan kode yang akan kita cari dalam kotak pencarian yang berada di bawah layar.

Ketika kita mengeklik next maka kode yang kita cari akan dihighlight

Semoga tips yang sudah saya sampaikan di atas dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua. Ingat kita juga harus tetap hati hati, semua tutorial blog tidak harus kita praktekkan, semakin banyak aplikasi yang kita pasang di blog kita itu akan berpengaruh pada bobot log kita yang akhirnya berpengaruh pada looding blog kita.
Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B?

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin B?

Vitamins are chemical compounds the body cannot make itself and that must therefore be supplied. Besides fat, carbohydrates, proteins (amino acids), minerals and trace elements, we must ingest these with our foods or with supplements.

Vitamin B complex comprises a number of vitamins that exist as a family. They should not be taken individually. In this modern era, millions of people suffer from a deficiency of vitamin B for several reasons, chief among which are: stress, processed foods in the diet, toxins, refined sugar, drugs, cooking, malnutrition.

Deficiency of vitamin B leads to anemia and neurological disorders; deficiency in children can cause profound damage, much of which is reversible.

A normal level of serum vitamin B does not guarantee adequacy, methylmalonic acid concentrations (either serum or urine) are a much more reliable metabolic measure of vitamin B metabolism. People following a pure vegetarian (vegan) diet are at high risk (>50%) for metabolicvitamin B deficiency.

Vitamin B is found in all animal products (liver, muscle flesh, eggs, and dairy products are sources, in order from richest to poorest sources).

Plant foods contain little if any active vitamin B; produce grown in soil fertilized with cow dung may contain more B than commercially grown produce.Other good B vitamin sources are: baked potato, banana, spinach, soybeans, wheat germ, cantaloupe, tuna in water, navy beans, bok choy, avocado, sunflower seeds, chicken breast, turnip greens etc.

Probiotic supplements are not a sufficient source of vitamin B; some products work better than others. A deficiency of vitamins B can increase your risk of heart disease. They help keep a substance called homocysteine in check by breaking it down. If the homocysteine levels go too high, your blood may clot easier which increases the likelihood of a heart attack or stroke.

There are many ways to getting enough B vitamins: eat a variety of fresh fruits and veggies, choose dark green leafy types, not pale green ones, eat whole grains like brown rice, whole wheat pasta, whole grain cereals, oatmeal and barley instead of those with refined white flour, eat beans (or split peas) every day.

Membuat Icon Burung Twitter Berterbangan di Blog

Membuat Icon Burung Twitter Berterbangan di Blog
Siapa yang tidak punya twitter? Buat saja, sekarang ini sudah jamannya twitter. Kali ini akan belajar membuat mainan baru yang lucu menurut saya. Apakah icon dari twitter? Iya betul, jawabannya adalah Burung. Jika tweet kita itu sama dengan ocehan, maka burung itu cara bergeraknya bagaimana? Iya betul, burung itu hewan yang bergerak dengan terbang.

Bagaimana seandainya twitter kita terbang? Eh, bukan twitter tapi iconya yang berupa burung tadi berterbangan di blog kita? Kelihatannya akan menarik dan lucu, Horee,, burungku berterbangan di blog :D. Burung yang menjadi icon twitter ini yang akan ada link yang menuju profil twitter ini akan berterbangan di blog kita, sehingga akan menarik pengunjung blog. Dan bisa jadi akan mengklik dan memfollow twitter kita.

Cara Membuat Icon Burung Twitter Berterbangan di Blog
1. Login ke blogger
2. Pilih Rancangan kemudian Tambah Gadget
3. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
4. Masukan kode HTML berikut ini:

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var birdSprite=""; var targetElems=new Array("img","hr","table","td","div","input","textarea","button","select","ul","ol","li","h1","h2","h3","h4","p","code","object","a","b","strong","span"); var twitterAccount = "";var tweetThisText = "Twitter - candraokey";tripleflapInit();</script>

5. Ganti dengan URL blogmu sendiri dan candraokey dengan twitter usernamemu sendiri.
6. Simpan jika sudah selesai.Jangan lupa follow @candraokey ya!
Making more than Pennies with Google Adsense

Making more than Pennies with Google Adsense

Google Adsense is advertisements you can put on your website in various formats, when someone clicks on an Ad you get payed a commission. Placing ads on your site is easy you just need to copy and paste a script onto your site which is easily created though google's step by step setup. These scripts work by looking at your website page content and showing relevant ads based on this information.

Many people have been highly successful making money with Google's Adsense, some actually make thousands of dollars per day. But there are many strugglers that only make 1 or 2 dollars per day which can be very frustrating. Common mistakes are made by these people, and with just a little extra effort, their earnings could be greatly improved.

If you are interested in Adsense the first thing you need to do is choose a niche to work with. Don't just choose a niche just because of the high paying keywords it offers. You need to find something that you have a passion for or know a lot about. You will need to update your site regularly to keep up with competitors, and it's much easier to do this if you actually like your niche. The second point id like to make is that you need to assess your competition. If your niche has been done to death or there are too many competing sites you are decreasing your chances of success.

Another common problem is the content people put on their sites, it needs to be useful to your visitors and offer them value. Duplicate content is all over the net today and it is easy to find what I call adsense only sites which offer visitors nothing new just the same content from the previous site they visited. If you choose a niche you have a passion for, and knowledge about, you should be able to create a site with unique information that your visitors will value. If you do this your visitors will return and maybe even recommend your site to others.

The next mistake people make is the placement of there ads. It is very important to place your ads in strategic positions. If you don't spend the time doing this your click through rate, and earnings will be low. I recommend using google's help section in your adsence account. Do a search for 'heat map' this heat map shows you the positions that people are most likely to click. This type of information is invaluable, and will help improve your click though rate and earnings dramatically.

It's also extremely important to track your results. Google has channels you can create and use to track your ads so you can see what works best. Spending the time trying different positions and ad types on your site is well worth the effort.

All this information is useless unless you have a steady stream of website traffic. I recommend learning basic on page optimization which is tips on making your site search engine friendly. On page optimization includes things like using keyword pacific page titles, and correct use of meta tags.

More importantly people need to learn off page optimization which is basically getting links from other websites to your own. This will improve your search engine rankings and give you traffic from other websites. Off page optimization includes article submission, posting on forums relevant to your niche with your website in your signature, and swapping links with other webmasters.

Now you are ready to get out there and implement or improve your websites. We have learnt to, choose a niche we have a passion for, provide visitors with unique, and quality content. Place your ads strategically to improve your click through rate with the help of google's heat map. Tracking your ads with channels to see what works and what doesn't. How to get traffic to your website using on-page and off-page optimization.

For more information on these topics I recommend you watch these videos form Michael Cheney who has earned thousand from adsence. He spent a whole year locked away studying adsence strategies and come up with a system that is guaranteed to work for you. If you're not happy with Michael's videos he will happily refund your money no questions asked. You can find a link to his site in my biography box.

Glenn Munn

Membuat Efek Bubble (Gelembung) Pada Cursor

Membuat Efek Bubble (Gelembung) Pada Cursor
Sama seperti mainan anak-anak kecil yang bola yang bergelembung-gelembung dari sabun itu loh,, tapi di terjadi di blog dan cursornya adalah penghasil bubble (gelembung-gelembung) itu.

Saya pernah mencoba, dan lucu. Gelembung itu dari berasal dari cursor kecil lalu lama-lama besar dan naik ke atas. Ibarat sebuah halaman atau toko, kadang blog juga perlu kejutan atau tampilan yang berbeda dari biasanya. Efek bubble (gelembung) ini bisa menjadi pilihan ketika ingin membuat berbeda itu. Dan melepas (menghapusnya) ketika sudah mulai bosan. ;)

Cara Membuat Efek Bubble (Gelembung) Pada Cursor
1. Login ke blogger
2. Pilih Rancangan kemudian Tambah Gadget
3. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
4. Masukan kode HTML berikut ini:

<noscript></noscript><!-- --><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">

    // <![CDATA[

    var colours=new Array("#F781BE", "#F781BE", "#F781BE", "#F781BE", "#F781BE"); // colours for top, right, bottom and left borders and background of bubbles

    var bubbles=100; // maximum number of bubbles on screen

    var x=ox=400;

    var y=oy=300;

    var swide=800;

    var shigh=600;

    var sleft=sdown=0;

    var bubb=new Array();

    var bubbx=new Array();

    var bubby=new Array();

    var bubbs=new Array();

    window.onload=function() { if (document.getElementById) {

    var rats, div;

    for (var i=0; i<bubbles; i++) {

    rats=createDiv("3px", "3px");"hidden";

    div=createDiv("auto", "auto");





    div.borderLeft="1px solid "+colours[3];

    div.borderRight="1px solid "+colours[1];

    div=createDiv("auto", "auto");





    div.borderTop="1px solid "+colours[0];

    div.borderBottom="1px solid "+colours[2];

    div=createDiv("auto", "auto");







    if (document.all) div.filter="alpha(opacity=50)";








    function bubble() {

    var c;

    if (x!=ox || y!=oy) {



    for (c=0; c<bubbles; c++) if (!bubby[c]) {










    for (c=0; c<bubbles; c++) if (bubby[c]) update_bubb(c);

    setTimeout("bubble()", 40);


    function update_bubb(i) {

    if (bubby[i]) {



    if (bubby[i]>sdown && bubbx[i]>0) {

    if (Math.random()<bubbs[i]/shigh*2 && bubbs[i]++<8) {







    else {








    function mouse(e) {



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    function createDiv(height, width) {

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    return (div);


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5. Kode warna pink adalah kode warna dari bubble (gelembung) itu, kamu bisa mengubah dengan kode warna yang lain.
6. Simpan jika sudah selesai.
Secrets to Successful Web Design

Secrets to Successful Web Design

A website with an effective design along with concrete content is essentially required. Successful web sites are "user friendly," allowing valuable information to be obtained easily by the user. The brand image and easy navigation for the user must be observed with utmost priority.

Important factors to keep in mind while designing an effective and successful web design is as follows:


An important element for any website is the selection of an appropriate theme. The theme of the website has to be organized to fulfill both the client's requests and provide a useful template for effective illustrations, links and content presentation.


The navigation of a website has to be kept simple and clearly visible. Once the theme is finalized, the second aspect is to create effective navigation. All the links have to be properly arranged and presented as related to the theme. The visitor should find the navigation transparent in order to access the information, get the clear message and utilize any help from the site.


The website cannot be complete without effective content. While designing a website, it is important to ensure the content of the site is clear, crisp and simple for a visitor to have quick access to information on the product or offerings. Simple and effective content can generate more business and can increase search ranking. Adding new content continually gives the user a reason to keep coming back and visiting the site.


The number of clicks from the main page to any other page of the website should ideally be four. This would help the visitor access the site because the entry to the website may be on a secondary page rather than the main page of the site.


A constant check of the grammatical errors in the site is also very important. Having silly or acute grammatical errors may give visitors an impression the organization is unprofessional and unreliable.

Contact Information

An effective business relationship can be a key to success. Contact information should be posted on each page of the site and should be updated constantly. Another important aspect for establishing business relationships, is to reply to all suggestions and comments within two working days.

Product Information:

In order to generate potential customers, it is necessary to have any product information specifically expressed on the main page of the site. An effective snapshot along with correct information is essential, as it may get the customer glued to the site.


In order to avoid distracting the user, a minimum use of animated graphics is suggested. Overuse of animation takes extra time for the page to load and may give an unprofessional look.

Be cautious when selecting your background and text colors. Busy backgrounds make text difficult to read and draw the attention away from the text. Always be consistent with your background and theme on each page of your site. Your site should be nicely organized and uniform throughout. Keep in mind, colors affect your mood and will have an effect on your visitors as well. Bright colors such as yellow and orange, cause you to become more cheerful or happy, while colors such as blue and purple have a calming effect. Dark colors such as brown and black have a depressing effect. A good rule of thumb would be to use colors based upon the type of effect you're trying to create.


The selection of colors is an important aspect of the site design as it attracts the readers attention to the text. The color selections to keep in mind are; orange and yellow make you feel happy and cheerful, blue and purple create a calming effect while dark colors such as brown and black generate depressing effects.

The main page of your web site should load in 8 seconds or less with a 56K modem. According to two recent surveys, conducted by Forrester Research and Gartner Group, ecommerce sites are losing $1.1 to $1.3 billion in revenue each year due to customers click- away caused by slow loading sites. If a page takes too long to load, your potential customer will not wait. Ultimately costing you business.

Main Page:

The most important aspect in the Internet industry is loading speeds. The main page of the site should be able to load in 8 seconds or less with a 56K modem. A longer wait to the potential customer might cost business.

By following the above mentioned details, an effective and successful website can be designed. One of the most important aspects of the Internet industry and its business is the website. It may also be termed as the organization's face on line.
Using Discounted Closed Ended Funds designed to Increase Income and Reduce Risk

Using Discounted Closed Ended Funds designed to Increase Income and Reduce Risk

Currently focuses on: Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund (nyse: UTF)

Its investment objective is to achieve a high level of after-tax total return through investment in utility securities. In pursuing total return, the Fund equally emphasizes both current incomes, consisting primarily of tax-advantaged dividend income, and capital appreciation. Under normal market conditions, the Fund will invest at least 80% of its managed assets in a portfolio of common stocks, preferred stocks and other equity securities issued by companies engaged in the utility industry.

The Utility and Electrical industry is forecasted to grow at 8.5% for then next 5 years.*

Currently the Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund is at a 16.89% discount

That means for every $100,000 invested in principle you invest roughly only $83,000.

Using regression to the mean* theories believing that historical mean for US based closed end funds historically trade at a 5% discount we would forecast Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund would increase in principle about 12 percent assuming no change in the market value.

** Regression to the mean is a technical term in probability and statistics. It means that, left to themselves, things tend to return to normal levels, whatever that is.

Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund has a short but profitable history of growing principle

The current income from this fund is 6.14%

We believe due to the fact you could buy 100,000 dollars of income producing utilities that produce over 5% income or over $5,000 dollars per year for around an investment of $83,000. Those how invest with the much lower amount of $83,000 still has the same income of over $5,000 giving a much higher income of 6.14%


"If you're patient, buying funds at a steep discount can be extremely lucrative? For example, suppose you divided the closed-end universe into fifths, starting with the most expensive. The priciest 20 percent gained 48 percent in the past five years. The 20 percent with the steepest discounts, however, soared 160 percent." ***

To Reduce Risk

With an effort to reduce the risks associated with closed ended funds at deep discounts with high income we recommend diversification using many different asset classes and fund families utilizing asset allocation approach. In our growth and income model we use 7 different asset classes to provide a balanced portfolio. This structure was designed to minimize fluctuations. An event that might hurt one class of investments might benefit another. Two examples of this is after the 9/11 terrorist attack and the 2000 stock market crash. In both cases the stock market had a tremendous sell off, but the high grade bonds had very large rallies. During those two events the stock market and high grade bonds had no correlation. Many experts believe diversifying between non-correlated asset classes is the single best way to reduce volatility risk.

When building portfolio's we use a selection criteria that focus on: unique asset classes, deep discount , high yield, consistency of payments, ongoing fee's and other factors we incorporate into the selection are, past track record of the fund, and past track record of the management team, and of course the management team. We apply our selection criteria to over 600 closed ended funds with a goal to find only 1 or 2 in each asset class that fits our needs.

Simply don't put all your eggs in one basket. If the assets classes are non-correlated this reduces the portfolio risk.

To summarize Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund:

1) A conservative industry
2) Diversifies investments inside the utility industry
3) An industry forecasted to grow at 8.5%
4) Investing at a 16.89% discount
5) Receiving a 6.14% current income
6) Regression to the mean would indicate principle growth of about 12% with no market change.

We forecast Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund to achieve industry growth rates plus regress to a more historic means these two combined events would indicate a total return of 10.9% percent per year over the next 3 to 5 years.

Randy Durig manages several Portfolios' including the Growth & Income Portfolio to see the full list go to or

Randy Durig owns Cohen & Steers Select Utility Fund in his discretionary client's portfolios and in his personal account. Past performance is not a guarantee for future returns. All information we believe to be correct but make no guarantee to accuracy.

Durig's Monopoly Blue Chip Portfolio National Performance Rankings: 3rd In the United States, Ranked by 3 year annual return, for Large Capitalization Blend, 4th Quarter 2005, By Money Manager Review.

Durig Capital is a registered investment advisor. If you know someone that would like to receive our research call toll free 877-359-5319.

For those looking for articles on closed and mutual funds Randy recommends there are about 75 articles focused on mutual funds and Exchange trade funds.

*Zacks Utility industry forecast
** Source
***Source USA Today newspaper

Memodifikasi Warna Saat Teks Diblock

Memodifikasi Warna Saat Teks Diblock
Tulisan kita termasuk tulisan yang bagus, tulisan yang bermutu, atau tulisan yang orisinal? Dan tak jarang akibatnya tulisan kita banyak yang dikutip, diblock lalu di copy-paste. Ya,,, kali ini kita akan belajar untuk bagiamana memodifikadi tulisan yang ada di blog kita saat diblock tidak hanya berwarna putih dan biru. Kita dapat memodifikasi tulisan yang diblock dengan berbagai warna yang kita inginkan.
tulisan yang diblock menjadi seperti ini

Cara Memodifikasi Warna Saat Teks Diblock
1. Login ke Blogger.
2. Di halaman Dasbor, kita pilih Rancangan.
3. Kemudian pilih Edit HTML
4. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
5. Cari kode berikut ini ]]></b:skin>
6. Taruh kode berikut ini di atasnya
::-moz-selection{background:red; color:green}
::selection{background:#ff0000; color:#33ff33}

* Background >> kita dapat mengubah warna latar belakang teks yang sedang diblock dengan mengganti nilai tersebut dengan kode warna atau dengan teks warna bahasa inggris, misalnya ingin berwarna hijau, kita tulis disana green
* Color >> kita dapat mengganti warna font (teks) dengan kode warna ataupun dengan teks warna bahasa inggris, misalnya ingin berwarna biru, kita tulis disana blue

7. Simpan template jika sudah selesai.

Membuat Hujan Salju di Blog

Membuat efek salju di blog, kenapa harus nulis ini saya? Sekedar hanya ingin berbagi kepada blogger yang lain khususnya yang mempunyai template dengan background atau warna dasar hitam seperti punya saya ini. Akan kelihatan lebih menarik lagi tentunya jika diseimbangkan dengan warna putih, dan warna putih itu berasal dari efek hujan salju. Dingin :)

Walau lagi musim salju atau tidak. Kita tetap bisa kan membuat hujan salju di blog kita. Memang di sini tidak ada hujan salju, masih tetap juga kita bisa buat hujan salju di blog kita. Bagaimana caranya membuat hujan salju di blog kita? Mudah kok :)

Cara Membuat Hujan Salju di Blog
1. Login ke Blogger.
2. Di halaman Dasbor, kita pilih Tata Letak.
3. Kemudian pilih Edit HTML
4. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
5. Taruh (copy paste) kode berikut ini diatas kode </head>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
<script src='' type='text/javascript'/>
  <script type='text/javascript'>
$(function() {

6. Simpan Template jika sudah selesai

Page Navigation Ala Google

Page Navigation Ala Google
Ada yang gak tahu Google? itu lo mesin pencari yang sering kita gunakan untuk mencari artikel di internet? Sekarang kita tahu kan? Ada yang tertarik dengan web google yamg simpel? Sekarang sat kita mencari sesuatu di google kita akan menemukan banyak pilhan, nah untuk itulah google memakai page navigation yang biasanya seperti ini
1 2 3 4 5 6 dst
Sebenarnya ini sama dengan tutorial yang pernah di bahas di Menambahkan Nomor Halaman di Bawah Area Postingan sekarang kita berganti gaya dengan tampilan yang ikut-ikutan ala google. Dengan demikian navigasi yang mda ini diharpakan bisa membantu pengunjung blog kita.

Cara Page Navigation Ala Google
1. Login ke blogger
2. Pilih tata letak kemudian Tambah Gadget
3. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
4.Cari kode ]]></b:skin> kemudian taruh kode berikut ini di atasnya
#nav a,#nav a:visited,.blk a{color:#000}
 #nav a{display:block}
 #nav .b a,#nav .b a:visited{color:#20c}
 #nav .i{color:#a90a08;font-weight:bold}
 .csb,.ss{background:url( no-repeat 0 0;height:26px;display:block}
 .ss{background-position:0 -88px;position:absolute;left:0;top:0}
 .mbi{width:13px;height:13px;background-position:-91px -74px;margin-right:3px}
 #nav td{padding:0;text-align:center}

5.  Cari kode di bawah ini
<b:section class='main' id='main' showaddelement='yes'>
<b:widget id='Blog1' locked='true' title='Blog Posts' type='Blog'/>
Terus kita letakkan Kode di bawah ini tepat di bawah kode </b:section>

<script type='text/javascript'>

var home_page_url = location.href; 

var pageCount=10;
var displayPageNum=6;
var upPageWord ='Previous';
var downPageWord ='Next';

function showpageCount(json) {
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for(var i=pageCount-1, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i=i+pageCount) {

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if(postNum==1) postNum++;
html += html3+ '&lt;/div&gt;';

var pageArea = document.getElementsByName(&quot;pageArea&quot;);
var blogPager = document.getElementById(&quot;blog-pager&quot;);

if(postNum &lt;= 2){
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for(var p =0;p&lt; pageArea.length;p++){
 pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;

 html ='';

 blogPager.innerHTML = html;


function showpageCount2(json) {

var thisUrl = home_page_url;
var htmlMap = new Array();
var isLablePage = thisUrl.indexOf(&quot;/search/label/&quot;)!=-1;
var thisLable = isLablePage ? thisUrl.substr(thisUrl.indexOf(&quot;/search/label/&quot;)+14,thisUrl.length) : &quot;&quot;;
thisLable = thisLable.indexOf(&quot;?&quot;)!=-1 ? thisLable.substr(0,thisLable.indexOf(&quot;?&quot;)) : thisLable;
var thisNum = 1;
var postNum=1;
var itemCount = 0;
var fFlag = 0;
var eFlag = 0;
var html= '';
var upPageHtml ='';
var downPageHtml ='';

var labelHtml = '&lt;a href=&quot;/search/label/'+thisLable+'?&amp;max-results='+pageCount+'&quot;&gt;';
var thisUrl = home_page_url; 


for(var i=pageCount-1, post; post = json.feed.entry[i]; i=i+pageCount) {
 var timestamp1 = post.published.$t.substring(0,19)+post.published.$t.substring(23,29);
 timestamp = encodeURIComponent(timestamp1);

 var title = post.title.$t;

   if(thisUrl.indexOf(timestamp)!=-1 ){
    thisNum = postNum;
   if(title!='') postNum++;
   htmlMap[htmlMap.length] = '/search/label/'+thisLable+'?updated-max='+timestamp+'&amp;max-results='+pageCount;

var banyaknomer = htmlMap.length;
if (json.feed.entry.length % pageCount == 0){
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for(var p =0;p&lt; banyaknomer;p++){
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  html = ''+upPageHtml+' '+html +' ';
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html2 = '&lt;table id=&quot;nav&quot; style=&quot;margin: auto auto 1.4em; border-collapse: collapse;text-align: center; direction: ltr;&quot; align=&quot;center&quot;&gt;&lt;tbody&gt;&lt;tr valign=&quot;top&quot;&gt;&lt;td class=&quot;b&quot;&gt;Page  ('+(postNum-1)+')   &lt;/td&gt;&lt;td class=&quot;b&quot;&gt;';
html3 = '&lt;/tr&gt;&lt;/tbody&gt;&lt;/table&gt;';
html = html2+html;
 html += downPageHtml; 
 html += '&lt;td class=&quot;b&quot;&gt;&lt;span class=&quot;csb&quot; style=&quot;background-position: -76px 0pt; width: 42px;&quot;&gt;&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/td&gt;';
if(postNum==1) postNum++;
html += html3+ '&lt;/div&gt;';
var pageArea = document.getElementsByName(&quot;pageArea&quot;);
var blogPager = document.getElementById(&quot;blog-pager&quot;);

if(postNum &lt;= 2){
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for(var p =0;p&lt; pageArea.length;p++){
 pageArea[p].innerHTML = html;

 html ='';

 blogPager.innerHTML = html;



<script type='text/javascript'>

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5. Simpan Kalau sudah selesai.

Menambahkan TV Online Pada Blog

Menambahkan TV Online Pada BlogMau lihat TV sekarang tidak sulit lagi. Sudah banyak stasius televisi yang membuat TVnya menjadi streaming yang bisa dinikmati secara online. Sehingga jangkauannya akan semakin luas. Dengan internet orang dibelahan negara lain bisa menikmati acara-acara TV Indonesia. Mau menambahkan TV online di blog kita? Siapa tahu akan membuat pengunjung bisa menikmati siaran TV-TV yang sudah streaming. Mungkin dengan menambahkan TV Online ini akan membuat blog kita semakin berat. Jadi perhitungkan kembali. Juga koneksi internet yang ada di Indonesia masih terkenal sangat lambat, siarannya pun tak bisa dinikmati secara nyaman. Tapi jika koneksi internet kita cepat sekali bisa jadi kita bisa menikmati TV online dengan enak.

Cara Menambahkan TV Online Pada Blog
1. Login ke blogger
2. Pilih Rancangan kemudian Tambah Gadget
3. Pilih HTML/JavaScript
4. Masukan kode script berikut ini:

<div id="NamaTV"></div><div id="TVstyle"></div><div class="tvborder"><iframe id="fsTVframe" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" name="TVPlayerWb" allowtransparency="true"></iframe></div><ul id="fsTVOnline"></ul><div class="clear"></div><span id="TVsource"></span><a id="wb_tvauth" href="">Warung Bebas TV Streaming</a><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script><script type="text/javascript">wb.tv_setting={channel_start:15,player_width:430,player_height:310,icon_width:45,float_icon:true};</script><script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

5. Simpan jika sudah selesai.

Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan

Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan
Siapa seh yang menulis tulisan ini? Untuk itu kita bisa menambahkan Author Box, yaitu profil singkat si penulis blog beserta photonya. Author box itu bisa menampilkan biografi singkat diri kita dan juga mungkin bisa menambahkan kontak kita. Dengan menambahkan author box di bawah komentar akan membuat tulisan kita itu jelas. Selain itu bisa juga untuk membangun personal branding.

Cara Menambahkan Author Box di Bawah Postingan
1. Login ke Blogger.
2. Di halaman Dasbor, kita pilih Rancangan.
3. Kemudian pilih Edit HTML
4. Beri tanda centang pada Expand Template Widget
5. Cari kode ]]></b:skin> dan taruh kode berikut di atasnya;
.author-box {
background: #f0f0f0;
margin: 20px 0 40px 0;
padding: 10px;
overflow: auto;
font-family:verdana, sans-serif;
.author-box p {
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
.author-box a{
.author-box img {
background: #FFFFFF;
float: left;
margin: 0 10px 0 0;
padding: 4px;

6. Cari kode <div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-1'> dan taruh kode berikut ini di bawahnya;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
    <div class='author-box'>
    <p><img alt='avatar' class='avatar avatar-70 photo' height='70' src='URL avatar/photo kita' width='70'/><b>About Author</b><br/>
   Sekilas tentang diri kita<br/></p>

7. Sebelum menyimpan, ganti URL dengan URL photo kita, dan tulis sekilas tentang diri kita. Dan juga bisa menganti judul about author. Dan juga mengubah kode css yang disesuaikan dengan tampilan blog kita.
8. Simpan jika sudah selesai.

Membuat Komunitas untuk Blog

Membuat Komunitas untuk Blog
Komunitas adalah kekuatan massa yang sangat bermanfaat. Termasuk untuk blog kita. Untuk itulah sangat penting bagi kita untuk membuat komunitas untuk blog. Tentunya komunitas yang kita buat adalah untuk mendukung traffik blog, yaitu komunitas yang setia menunggu dan membaca update tulisan blog. Berlangganan tulisan dan menjadi pembaca setia blog kita.

Ada banyak cara dan media untuk membentuk komunitas blog kita, dan akan kita bahas lebih mendalam. Untuk sebagai contoh penerapannya adalah blog Candra Okey ini. Ada 2 cara untuk membentuk komunitas itu, setalah kita menyediakan wadahnya. Maka bisa kita undang untuk bergabung atau sukarela bergabung dengan komunitas blog kita. Media untuk membentuk komunitas itu apa saja? Berikut beberapa contoh yang Candra Okey gunakan.

1. Google Friend Connect
Ini adalah widget yang bisa kita peroleh secara mudah di atau yang bisa juga kita dapatkan di Orang bisa dengan mudah untuk bergabung, bisa menggunakan akun google, yahoo, atau twitter. Bagi yang mempunyai akun maka yang sudah follow blog kita akan mendapatkan feed dari blog kita di dasbor mereka.

2. Facebook Fan Page
Hari gini pasti setiap orang punya akun facebook. Untuk itu dengan membuat fan page di blog kita. Untuk bisa membuatnya silahkan saja berkunjung ke Yang punya akun facebook mudah kok untuk membuatnya. Buat sesuai dengan judul blog kita. Kita undang beberapa teman. Lalu posting link tulisan-tulisan terbaru di facebook fan page sehingga mereka mendapatkan tulisan terbaru (update) blog.

3. Twitter
Twitter bisa menjadi situs jejaring sosial yang sifatnya mikro blogging yang bisa mendatangkan banyak pengunjung. Orang yang suka dengan blog kita bisa memfollow twitter kita. Setiap postingan terbaru kita terbitkan lalu kita posting linknya ke twitter. Semakin menarik, semakin banyak yang suka maka follower di twitter akan terus bertambah. Dan itu berarti telah berhasil menciptakan sebuah komunitas untuk blog di twitter.

4. Berlangganan via Email dengan FeedBurner
Email masih bisa kita manfaatkan, yaitu dengan memakai Setiap ada tulisan terbaru maka yang berlangganan via email ini akan mendapatkan sinepat tulisan terbaru itu. Dengan demikian akan lebih mudah untuk memantau tulisan blog kita, karena langsung dikirim ke mereka.

Masih ada banyak lagi media yang kita bisa gunakan untuk membuat komunitas blog. Tentunya kita harus mempertimbangkan bagaimana orang untuk mudah bergabung, yaitu dengan menggunakan media yang juga banyak orang gunakan. Untuk mengoptimalkannya, jangan lupa pasang widgetnya di blog, supaya orang tahu dan mudah untuk bergabung di komunitas blog kita. Dan terus jaga kwalitas tulisan kita serta kwatitas dalam mengupdate blog agar yang belum bergabung tertarik bergabung dan yang sudah bergabung merasa betah dengan komunitas itu.